
Friday, March 23, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: "Headlines News Desk" Friday March 23 2012 Adar 29, 5772

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (JN 8:32)
Switch to International Edition|Updated 9:14 AM EDT, Fri, Mar 23, 2012
Dale Settle Jr., seen here immediately after being baptized, was shot and killed on his way to a Bible study in Canton, Ohio in Sept. 2011.
(Photo: Dale Settle Jr. Foundation)

New Christian Foundation Was Vision of Slain College Student

By Jeff Schapiro

Dale Settle Jr. had a vision to take the business degree he was working toward at The University of Akron and use it to establish a ministry that would help people with both their physical and spiritual needs. He was killed by a gunman before he ever saw the ministry take form, but the vision he had is being carried on today by his parents and the foundation that now bears his name.

Chaplains Believe Religious Extremism Common in Jail, but Not a Threat

By Michael Gryboski

A major survey of prison chaplains has concluded that many chaplains believe religious extremism to be common in prisons, but not a major security threat.


A boy at a community water pump provided by World Vision.

World Vision Shares 8 Million Reasons to Keep Working Beyond World Water Day

By Ivana Kvesic

Over 4,000 children lose their lives daily due to drinking unsafe water, exposure to poor sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases (referred to as WASH conditions) and, according to World Vision, eight million children are expected to die this year due to diseases caused by such issues.

Tens of thousands of people are estimated to gather Friday in 131 cities across the nation to rally around the mantra of religious liberty brought on by President Obama's mandate on birth control.

Despite Mitt Romney's likely loss in Saturday's Louisiana primary, Rick Santorum has a rocky road ahead to win the Republican presidential nomination.

An attorney for former North Carolina Senator and two-time Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is denying his involvement with a prostitution ring in New York City.

Church & Ministries

Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie Seeks Churches, Venues to Host 'Harvest America' Event

By Alex Murashko

Evangelist Greg Laurie met with more than 200 Southern California pastors and ministry leaders Tuesday to outline plans for one of his Harvest Ministry's outreach events this year to be simulcast live at host churches and other venues throughout the nation for the first time in its 22-year history.

A plan to hold Easter service at a Sacramento, Calif., mosque is drawing a mixed reaction from the Christian community. Some are commending the event, especially the generosity of the Muslim community. But the good news of a resurrected Christ won't be part of the service.

Is sibling rivalry to blame for the fall of California megachurch the Crystal Cathedral? According to the youngest son of Crystal Cathedral Ministries founder the Rev. Robert H. Schuller, rivalry among the minister's children is what may have finally brought the financially-troubled church to its knees.

An Oklahoma church's leadership has decided to cut its ties with the Presbyterian Church (USA) over theological differences and has advised its congregation to vote accordingly.

Are American churchgoers becoming too fat and unhealthy to practice their faith? One prominent doctor thinks so. Dr. Daniel G. Amen, M.D., co-author of The Daniel Plan at Saddleback Church and author of the new book Use Your Brain to Change Your Age, told The Christian Post that our brains use 25 percent of the calories we consume.

Megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll continues to push the envelope while preaching about the subject of sex during his current sermon series, which has the same theme as his book, Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together.

What is your church denomination?

NY City Shelters Can't Accept Donations From 'Good Samaritans'

The Bloomberg administration has recently been ...

Media Matters to Spend $100k Targeting Rush Limbaugh

Media Matters, the liberal watchdog group ...

Follow the Footsteps of Jesus Through Easter Week With New Android App

There are many applications available on the ...

Models Banned From Being Too Skinny in Israel

In Israel, lawmakers are fighting the fashion industry. They just passed a new law banning male and female models from having a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5.

French Gunman Dead: Mohamed Merah Jumps to Death Amid Gunfire

Mohamed Merah, the gunman who terrorized France ...

Atheist Group Pleads Freedom of Speech Violations After Rejected Bus Ad

An atheist group looking to plaster city buses in ...

Texas Church Raises $1.7M to Help Provide Fresh Water to South Sudan

A nondenominational Texas church that is working ...

Tenn. Senate Passes Bill to Allow Debate Over Evolution in Classes

A bill that would allow teachers to encourage ...

Atheists Want Wider Recognition in the Military

Atheists and humanists are working hard to gain ...

UN Recognizes for First Time World Down Syndrome Day

The U.N. officially observed World Down Syndrome ...


Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow and New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin. (File)

Jeremy Lin Gives Tim Tebow Advice, Excited for QB's Move to Jets

By Christine Thomasos

Tim Tebow, the newest addition to the New York Jets, has admittedly given New York Knicks starting point guard Jeremy Lin advice. However, Lin has now returned the favor, advising Tebow on his big move to the Big Apple.

After months of speculation and changes in casting, the deal has purportedly been sealed – Russell Crowe will star in Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic "Noah."


Pope Benedict

Pope Benedict Mexico Visit Ready Despite Gang Violence

By Brittney R. Villalva

Pope Benedict XVI will make his first visit to Mexico on Friday, causing many to question whether he can capture the hearts of the people as well as his predecessor Pope John Paul did.

Al Qaeda suspect dies in France after standoff; North Korean children risking their lives to escape; Christian man demoted over Facebook comments against gay Church marriage; Nokia develops tattoos that vibrate; Tebow traded to NY Jets.

Turkey, a key U.S. ally in the war on terror, has been placed on a U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom list of worst religious offenders, alongside countries such as Iran, Iraq and North Korea -- once known as the "axis of evil," a phrase coined by former U.S. President George W. Bush in the wake of 9/11.

A Vatican delegation to Ireland concluded Tuesday in an investigative report on causes of a major sex abuse scandal that local church leaders were guilty of negligence. Delegates also asked victims for forgiveness in the name of the Roman Catholic Church, and vowed to continue to implement reform to further protect children.

Christian leaders from South and North Korea are expected to hold a joint prayer meeting together on June 12 at the North's border city of Kaesong, a reverend recently revealed, raising suspicions and skepticism among those working to fight injustice in the communist country.

Joyce Meyer Debuts Children's Book 'Every Which Way to Pray'

Charismatic televangelist Joyce Meyer, founder of ...

Casey Anthony Being Baptized to Start 'New Beginning'

Casey Anthony is reportedly preparing to start a ...

Tim Tebow and Jeremy Lin in New York Excites Fans: Linbow Begins

Tim Tebow, the Christian quarterback who was ...

Knicks 'Woodsanity' Growing Bigger Than the Jeremy Lin Phenomenon?

Mike Woodson, the New York Knicks' newest head ...

Maria Shriver Heading to Oprah's OWN Network?

Maria Shriver may be heading to Oprah's network ...

'Snow White and the Huntsman' Trailer Creates Twitter Buzz (VIDEO)

The most recent, extended trailer for upcoming ...

Tech & Biz

Samsung Galaxy S3 Press Shot

Samsung Galaxy S3 Press Shot Leaks

By Vincent Funaro

An image of what could be the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S3 began floating around Reddit earlier this week.

Toshiba unveiled a new tablet in Germany this week that possess a unique feature not found on many devices in the market.

The new iPhone will feature a 4.6-inch retina display and will launch sometime in the second quarter of this year, according to a South Korean media outlet.

Owners of the new iPad have been reporting some issues with the Wi-Fi feature on the device.

Open Doors: Growth of Christianity in Iran 'Explosive'

By Alex Murashko

Despite the Iranian government's ongoing crackdown of Christians living in the primarily Islamic country, the number of Muslims converting to become Christians is growing at an explosive rate, according the persecution watchdog group Open Doors USA.


October Baby and Doonby

October Baby

Movies that deal with the sanctity of life are suddenly in the news. Two films delve deeply and fearlessly into an issue that the entertainment industry has rarely been brave enough to tackle.


10 Things I Wish I Could Say to Every Church Leader!

Perry Noble

Never, I mean EVER apologize for big vision! Changing someone else's idea is easy…allowing something to say that your idea needs to change is way more challenging


The Accidental Author: Missionaries, Ruth Graham, and Beyond

Ruth Graham

A simple prayer of dedication to serve in whatever way God wills often leads to unexpected bends in the road. While they thought of themselves as missionaries or mothers, when the time came, these women all found that they had the pen of a ready writer. She also serves who learns to write well.


Missions Leader on Thousands of New Church Plants in Muslim Areas

Over 6,000 new churches were planted among Muslims in 18 different countries in Africa over the last seven years. And hundreds of former sheikhs and imams have become followers of Jesus Christ over that period. These awe-inspiring statistics, mix with heart-warming narratives about former Muslims, flow out naturally as one talks to Jerry Trousdale, a former church planter among Muslims in West Africa and now head of a disciple-making movement among Muslim people groups.


What Does The Bible Say About Tattoos?

I have been asked on a few occasions what does the Bible say about tattoos. Well to be totally upfront and honest with you my readers, I have to say that I am not above prejudice on this matter.


Homosexuality and the RCA: A Call for Action, Consistency, and Faithfulness

Kevin DeYoung

For several years the Reformed Church in America has approached the issue of homosexuality as an opportunity to have our cake and eat it too.


What Is Apologetics?

National Conference on Christian Apologetics 2010

Many years ago, while I was in the Christian Apologetics program at Biola University, my wife and I attended a family gathering. A relative heard I was in grad school and asked me, “What are you getting your degree in?” I said, “Um… Apologetics.”


Testimony of Blogger Rescued From Gay Lifestyle Inspires Others

Matt Moore, formerly a practicing homosexual, is now a Christian who openly shares his testimony of how God rescued him from his partying lifestyle.

Less than two years ago Matt Moore's life was completely transformed when he put his faith in Jesus Christ. Having indulged himself for years in heavy drinking and a homosexual lifestyle, his life changed drastically when he realized he needed to submit to God and His view of homosexuality according to the Bible. Today, Moore is using his testimony to reach out to others and show them how God is powerful enough to save anyone in the midst of their struggles with all types of sin.


One Reason I Believe the Scriptures Are Inerrant

king james bible

This incident taught me much about Scripture and the interpretation of Scripture. First, it taught me that the attitude of the interpreter is central to the proper interpretation of Scripture. Since my professor was on a mission seeking errors in the text, he found errors everywhere.


The Return of Infanticide


"A fetus is not truly human," say advocates of abortion. Well, according to two pro-choice ethicists, neither is a newborn baby.


Is Religion Evil?

This question reminds me of reading Sam Harris' The End of Faith years ago. I remember when he started to get popular by insisting that religion itself is dangerous and evil. Although he's got a lot of fans, it's interesting that a Religion Dispatches article called him "more charismatic than credentialled" as a speaker.


Evangelicals and Muslims: Where Do We Begin?

Ramadan in Jerusalem

Evangelical leaders on the forefront of establishing relationships with Muslims in the United States admit they face unprecedented challenges. For Christians, the question remains – how do fruitful relationships between people from the two dramatically different faiths begin?


The Evangelist's Temptation

Greg Stier

Every evangelist faces a huge temptation. No, I'm not talking about sexual immorality, nor am I talking about financial impropriety or even pride. I believe that most evangelists, at one time or another, succumb to its evil whisper.


Peace and Justice in Iraq?


Tuesday was the ninth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. We might disagree about whether the war was the right decision, and about where U.S. policy should go from here. But those who belong to Christ ought to be able to agree on one at least one thing: prayer for peace, justice, and gospel in the old country of Abram.


Post-Abortion Baby Parts Now a Booming Business

Spain Abortion Rally

The culture of death demeans human life and perverts our view of reality. It actually forces us to view one another inhumanely or as just another commodity by reducing us to a mass of cells, blob of tissue, or a mixture of atoms that are here today and gone tomorrow, with no eternal consequence and no moral obligations.


Spring Break Lessons From Hugh Hefner and Ted Turner

CCC spring break beach

The annual party pilgrimage to Florida is taking place once again. Interestingly, other college students have chosen a different path by using their school break to serve the poor and to spread the message of the Gospel. Different strokes for different folks.


Kay Warren, Saddleback Church Co-founder, Helps Christians to 'Choose Joy'

Kay Warren is a co-founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif. and is the author of 'Choose Joy: Because Happiness Isn't Enough.'

It's not always easy to be joyful, and for many people joy doesn't even seem like an option when times are tough. In her latest book, Kay Warren shares what she has learned about finding true joy in the middle of all of life's circumstances.


Sweden's Cashless Economy and a Potemkin World


There are whole towns now in Sweden where cash is not accepted. Bank robberies are down since there's not much in the till, but cybercrime in Sweden has gone from 3,304 cases in 2000 to 20,000 in 2011. Old age obsolescence is also accelerating. The head of a Swedish retirees' organization said elderly people in the countryside don't have credit cards, and wouldn't know how to use them if they did.


Rest in Print, Britannica: An Elegy for an Encyclopedia

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. announced Tuesday that it would no longer offer its venerable reference set in a printed edition. Western Civilization just took another hard blow to the chin.


Charles Stanley Reveals Preaching Secrets; Shares Why He Doesn't Ask for Money

Charles Stanley

Charles Stanley revealed to pastors last week some of the secrets and practices that have helped him become one of the most influential and widely heard preachers in the world.


Church Conducts 'Adults Only' Services for Sex Offenders, Others


A Wisconsin church has recently begun holding biweekly church "adults only" services, in part as a way to allow convicted sex offenders to worship.


HHS Mandate: We Can Win This One

Kathleen Sebelius

The media and the Administration don't want you to know, but most Americans oppose the HHS mandate.


Seven Ways to Destroy Your Marriage


Refuse to Listen: Interrupting my spouse during conflict to immediately correct them and then trying my best to make a stronger point always helps tear a relationship to pieces!


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